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  • We try and make your day as FUN, SMOOTH and CONSISTENT as possible, that’s why every little thing counts!

What Services Do We Provide at each Track Day Event?

  • Maximum QUALITY RIDING time!
    • 4 Groups, 20 min sessions, all the way from Group (D) Beginner to Group (A) Expert
    • We keep our groups purposefully small (20-25) and do our best to ensure everyone is of similar skill level
    • We reserve the right to move anyone into an appropriate group to maintain a fun and safe environment
  • Coaches  
    • Coaches are in all groups and we keep our rider to coach ratio at a max of 4:1 (meaning 1 coach will max have 4 riders)
    • You have the option to get 1-1 coaching as well as signup with our professional coaches. Pro coaches are absolutely game changing. This is probably one of the best investments you can make in yourself.
  • ClassRoom Reviews 
    • Classroom for Group D Novice and Optionally for Group C Amateur
  • Photographers
  • Professional Support Staff
    • Corner Workers, Fire & Rescue as well as Ambulances
  • Fastest Tire Service, Suspension & Parts
    • Check out our parts & gear website
    • You can also pre-order your tires while buying your event (just look for the tire section)
  • Go Pro and Lap Timer Rentals 
    • You can reserve them while buying your event (just look for the accessories section)

Getting on the Track

Registration, Food & Logistics

  • We will do early registration & tech on Friday’s, as well as Saturdays usually between 6pm to until sunset
    • Be sure to bring your registration QR code to fast track your registration & tech
    • Protecting your hearing is important to us, that’s why we offer FREE ear plugs at registration for all riders
    • If you need anything to get your bike ready, just ask, we will be happy to help
  • Every morning we provide FREE coffee, donuts and fruits at registration
  • Lunch is catered on Sundays for most of our events
  • Live DJ entertainment until 10PM on Saturday night
  • Multiple track day packages, valuable & flexible memberships to make your track day as cost-efficient as possible
  • Take advantage of our rental add-ons such as Go-Pro 9 and/or Aim Solo 2 Lap Timer Rentals – you can select them at check-out while registering for your track day
  • We understand you maybe a bit nervous about getting on the track, therefore, we offer 1 on 1 personalized coaching (can be added on as part of your track day registration) – the instructor will remain with you for the entire day! You are free to work with them on anything you want! The best part, you will be dismissed from the riders meeting at the same time as expert riders

While On the Track

  • We run 4 groups and each session is 20 mins long
    • The typical rotation is Expert (A), Experienced Intermediate (B), New Intermediate (C), Novice (D) group
    • We limit our group sizes to ~20-30, depending on track – this ensures the 20 minutes you get on the track every session are QUALITY 20 MINS! – we genuinely believe in not overcrowding our groups and quality being way more important than quantity
    • We will continue to keep you informed with Digital announcements and lively displays to make sure you do not miss any PA calls and are always aware of when the track is hot for your group!
    • For more details, please review our FAQ’s
  • A Purposeful, Focused & Relevant Group coaching program in Novice & Intermediate (both groups) which is both FREE & optional (for intermediates – both groups)
    • Classroom instruction available until lunch
      • Our Novice Group usually rides session 1 in a group. From Session 2 onwards, after 2 laps, we usually let everyone off but you can choose to stick in a group
      • For our intermediate riders (both groups), you will do 2 laps for session 1 and session 2 to make sure everyone understands pit-in & pit-out procedure.
      • We focus on a program that will teach you skills that are appropriate at your level and will not aimlessly talk about stuff that is likely not relevant at certain skill levels
    • Our Instructors are accomplished seasoned racers, and all of them take personal pride in helping you progress. They will coach you in a controlled environment. In each Group you will learn at your own pace. 
      • We are firm believers of rider safety and education. No rider shall interfere with anyone else’s learning and/or progress. We will go the extra mile to uphold this standard

*Some items are limited quantity and are first come first serve.

In General..

We are all about you, the riders, our customers. We help you every step of the way. We are here to help you all day. Just ask if you need anything…

Our first time track riders sign up for our Novice (D) Group, where you will ride at a moderate (highway) pace. Our Intermediate (B/C) Group riders will have more experience from being on the track before and will ride at a higher pace. Our Expert (A) Group riders will have ridden several track days and feel comfortable with an even higher pace.

The skills you learn at our track days will make you more comfortable, confident, smoother, consistent, safer and predictable both on the track and  on the street. 

We currently host track days at these tracks and working to get many more on our schedule soon

All of us remember the feeling of the first time we rolled our bikes onto a race track!! Lets continue to REV UP with PRECISION!